KGS User Manual
Step 1: Download KGS from the website:
- Choose either for Windows or Mac version
- Download to your computer
Step 2: Open KGS on your computer – register for a player account
- Fill in the Account Name and choose Guest to sign in.
Step 3: Create a permanent account
- Finder Users —- Register
- Fill in your Real Name and Email address
- Confirmation of Real Name and Email address – Activation Email containing your account name and temporary password.
- Go back to KGS – login with your temporary account name and password, change it to your own password.
Step 4: Creating a Match on KGS
- Search for the competition room
- Find the players in the competition room and create a match
- Set the rules of the game and the timing according to the competition rules (make sure you read the competition rules and name the title correctly).
- Check to see if your game has started and all the settings are correct
Step 5: Time to play the game!!!
Basic Rules for Players:
1. The participant needs to pay the tournament fee in full before the tournament starts.
2. The participant should not quit the tournament in the middle of the day. If the player gets sick or encounter emergency situations during the tournament and have to leave, the match is still in progress will be marked as loss. The rest of the matches for the day will also be marked as loss.
3. Players should not talk during the match or do any activities that disturb the opponent
4. Players should not walk around and watch other’s matches while their own game is not finished.
5. Players should not comment on other’s games during the match.
6. Players should be polite and dress appropriately.
7. Players should listen and follow to the judgment by the judges.
Rules during the Match
1. If one player played two stones consecutively while other player has not agreed to pass, the player who played consecutively will be judged as losing the game.
2. If the player takes back a stone after it has been placed on the board, the player who takes back the stone will be marked as losing the game. For children’s match, the judge will give one warning. After the first warning, the judge will mark the game as lost.
3. If a stone is accidentally dropped on to the board, the player can pick it back and play it on the intended location. However, if the accidental drops happened on purpose or happened more than twice, the player who dropped the stone will be marked as lost.
4. During the game, if the players have noticed a stone or a group of stone’s position has been moved, the players can decide whether to place it back to where it should be, or agree that the current position is valid. If the players cannot decide, please call the judge.
Depends on the importance of the moved stones, the judge may ask the players to:
a. Place the stone to original position
b. Accept the stone’s current position
c. Mark the game as invalid
d. Mark one player as lost if the player has moved the stones on purpose
Time & Using the Clock
1. Each player has a set amount of time, when the time is up, the byo-yomi starts. Player should raise their hand and call the judge to start the byo-yomi.
2. Player can leave seat to go to the washroom, but the clock will not be paused. This means the player take responsibility of the time lost.
3. The player should only touch the clock after placing each move. If a player does notfollow the rule and presses the clock randomly, the judge has the right to stop the game and mark the player as lost.
4. Players need to press the clock to record time after the stone has been securely placed on the board and all stones without liberty have been taken off board.
5. If the player run out of time during byo-yomi (did not play 25 stones within 10 minutes), the player is marked as lost due to lack of time.
Ending the game
1. If both players agree that their game has finished, a judge will be called to calculate the points and announce the winner of the game.
2. If the game still has areas that are incomplete, and the judge is unable to determine the winner, the judge can ask the players to continue play until it is possible to determine who wins.
3. If one player reigns in the middle of the game, the player who reigned is marked as lost. The player cannot take the words back to continue play.
4. If the judge announces one player has lost due to breaking the exam rules, the player must obey and leave the seat.
Responsibility of participants
1. The participant has the responsibility to obey the rules of the tournament and the decision from the judges
2. The participant has the responsibility to clean the go board at the end of each game
3. The participant has the responsibility to report to the judge when illegal moves are made.
4. The participant has the responsibility to tell the opponent where they placed the stone while the opponent was away from his/ her seat.
Most of the information are collected from Golden Key Go School Site:
Go is a strategic board game involving two people who take turns placing stones on a 19 x 19 grid board. In Eastern Culture, it is referred to as ‘Yi’ and in Western culture it’s referred to as ‘Go’. Go is particularly prominent in China, Japan and Korea, where many of the today’s top pros originate from, and is a classical art treated on the same level as calligraphy and poetry. The game of Go originated in China, where it rose to fame in Japan during the Sui and Tang Dynasties and finally gained notoriety in Europe and the United States. Go is the embodiment of wisdom by being the world’s best most complex strategy game, is one of the foundations of Chinese culture and civilization, and contains a rich connotation of Chinese Culture. Nowadays, with the emergence of AlphaGo, a Google based artificial intelligence company, the popularity of Go has roared to new levels of fame.
With the increase of Go players, Go has entered into a very competitive era. In order to standardize a player’s level, the Go Association has established the Go rank. The players are first divided into two categories: Amateurs and professionals. The professional level only includes levels: 1P, 2P, etc. The amateur phase includes Segments and levels, such as 30K, 29K, 1D, 2D. The levels are as follows: Kyu, Amateur Dan, Professional Dan.
Amateur Kyu Level Ranks:
The ranks of Amateur players vary slightly around the world, but are broadly divided into levels 1 through 25, with level 1 being the highest level of the amateur rank and 25 being the lowest. In Competition settings, the ranks are divided into 7 levels, namely Level 1, Level 2, Level 5, Level 10, Level 15, Level 20, and Level 25. These are the best grading standards for beginners.
Amateur Dan Level Ranks
- The order of amateur rankings is from low to high, with the lowest grade in 1D and the highest grade in 9D, generally expressed in Arabic numerals. Starting from the first rank, the go players need to participate in regular uphill games to improve their Go rank. Amateurs can climb to reach 5D. To reach this stage, players need to prove to have a certain degree of skill in Go. In addition, they also have the qualifications to participate in professional qualifying competition.
- To obtain 6D, players will need to get a high rank in provincial competitions.
Players need to win national championships in order to obtain 7D.
- It is very difficult to get 8D. You need to participate and win a world-class go-go competition. Because the world amateur competition is relatively rare, it is very difficult to get a 8D title.
Amateur 9 is often the title of honor, and players cannot win games to obtain this title.
- Players who reach amateur level of 6 or above all have strong strength in Go. From a strength point of view, they all have reached professional standards.
Professional Ranks:
- A professional rank in Go symbolises a player’s professional standing. The rank of professional go players is from low to high: 1P, 2P, 3P,4P, 5P, 6P, 7P, 8P, 9P. To reach this stage the professional ranks, players needs incomparable amounts of strength. It is quite common in Go for players with 1P rank to win over 9P ranks in tournaments. In professional levels, one’s level does not symbolise the amount of strength they possess
- To become a professional player, you need to have the title of 5D before you can qualify for the annual “Go Qualifying” Exam, commonly known as Go college entrance examinations. “Sessions” divided into qualifiers and finals; the qualifier draws the top 100 players from among hundreds of high-level players into the finals, and then invites the top 50 finalists to participate in the final. The top 20 finalists will qualify as professional players. Therefore, becoming a professional player is not only just pure strength. But mentality, physical strength, compressive ability are all important aspects to become a professional player.
The above is the Go “Ranking” profile. Go tournaments is the affirmation of the players strengths and accomplishments. It is also a great opportunity to gain tournament experience. Finally, it is a great way to accumulate the development of Go.
- 5轮循环制 – Swiss MacMahon 积分法
- 日本数目法
- 贴目:6目半
- 每轮比赛大概在30-45分钟左右,如个别对局出现过慢情况,我们会根据情况设置围棋时钟。
- 比赛规则解释:
- 5轮循环赛 -每个参赛者都必须下满五盘棋。Swiss MacMahon 是瑞士麦克马洪制积分。
有很多围棋软件可以执行Swiss MacMahon 积分。在加拿大的公开大赛上,按照软件程序,进行排榜,配对。 不能保证某参赛选手的对局伙伴。如果两个人的积分相当,就可能会对上。大赛不能保证某选手不会与自己的朋友,兄弟姐妹对局。
- 数目法:
日韩规则中,棋子所围成的空白交叉点叫做目,最终以目多的一方为胜方,所以日本的圍棋規則稱為比目法。对局时需保留死子,终局后双方将盘上死子及提掉的死子填入对方实空中,再计算双方实空。黑棋贴给白棋6目半(等於3又1/4子和7點)。如果白棋实空加上贴目后多于黑方则白胜,否则黑胜。 - 加拿大读秒
如时间用完,将进入读秒。加拿大读秒法, 也就是要求选手在10分钟以内走完二十五个棋子。选手可以选择每步棋所用的时间。如果在10分钟内,没有走完二十五步棋,判负。
- 竞赛规则之赛场纪律一、对局者不得无故弃权和中途退出比赛。
- 竞赛规则之行棋
- 一方并未表示弃权,另一方连走二步,判连走二步者为负。
- 棋子下完后,又从棋盘上拿起下在别处。判棋子放回原处,警告一次。二次判负。如棋子确系掉落,允许其拣起后任选着点。
- 对局中途发现前面下的棋子已有移动,在征得对局者一致意见后,可判移动之子挪回原处,或者判移子有效。在对局者意见不一致时,应立即报请裁判长处理。裁判长可根据移动之子对棋局进程的影响程度,判:
- 移动之子挪回原处
- 移动之子有效
- 重下如属故意移子,应判移子者为负。
- 对局中,因外界不可抗拒的原因导致棋局散乱,应经双方复盘确认后,继续比赛。如双方没有 能力复盘,则判和或重下。如对局者确属无意散乱了棋局,可复盘续赛。不能复盘的,则判散乱棋局一方为负。如对局一方故意散乱棋局,判负。
计时是保证比赛顺利进行的重要手段之一。每桌都设有计时表,选手必须使用计时表掌握时 间。 当一方时间到,请举手要求裁判开始读秒。
- 如双方确定总局,开始数目 (少儿赛,请小朋友们举手告诉裁判来数目)
- 凡比赛一方弃权或因各种原因被裁判员判负对局, 也作终局处理。
- 如棋面没有下完,或裁判无法判断输赢,裁判有权利让双方继续下棋,直到分出胜负
围棋是一种策略性两人棋类游戏,中国古时称“弈”,西方名称“Go”。流行于东亚国家,其中中国日本韩国围棋水平尤为突出,是琴棋书画文人四艺之一。围棋起源于中国,有尧造围棋的传说,隋唐时经朝鲜传入日本,流传到欧美各国。围棋蕴含着中华文化的丰富内涵,他是中国文化与文明的提现,也是世界上最为复杂的棋类运动,是智慧的化身。现如今,Google公司旗下的人工智能-AlphaGo,以及AlphaGo Zero的出现,又为围棋普及事业做出了巨大的贡献。
- 业余级位的等级在世界各地都有略微差异,但大体分为1级至25级,1级为业余级位最高级。在比赛中,往往分为1级,2级,5级,10级,15级,20级,25级共7个等级,是衡量围棋初学者最好的等级标准。
- 业余段位的等级排序由低至高,1段为段位最低级,9段为业余段位最高级,一般用阿拉伯数字表示。从业余1段开始,棋手需要参加定期的升段赛来提升自己的围棋等级。业余段位的升段赛最高可以达到业余5段,达到此阶段的棋手证明已经具备了一定程度的围棋水平,也同时拥有了参与职业定段比赛的参赛资格。
- 业余6段则需要在省级比赛中拿到较高的名次才能够获得。
- 业余7段则需要拿到全国比赛的冠军才能够获得。
- 业余8段的获得是非常困难的,需要拿到世界级的围棋比赛冠军才能够活动,因为世界业余比赛相对比较稀少,所以能够拿到业余8段称号是非常难的。
- 业余9段往往是名誉称号,并没有特别的比赛供棋手获得此称号。
- 达到业余6段及以上的棋手都具有相当强的实力,从实力角度分析,都是具备职业水准的。
- 职业段位是职业棋手的等级代表,职业棋手段位由低至高:初段,二段,三段,四段,五段,六段,七段,八段,九段。能够达到此阶段的棋手具有超高水平,现代围棋初段赢九段的情况相当普遍,职业段位并不能完全说明水平,差距微乎其微。
- 成为职业棋手需要拥有业余5段的称号,然后才能够有资格参加一年一度的“围棋定段赛”,俗称围棋高考。“定段赛”分为预选赛和决赛,预选赛会从成百上千的高水平棋手中抽取前100名棋手进入决赛,再邀请上届决赛前50名的棋手(已成为职业棋手的参赛选手不算)参加决赛。最终决赛上能够进入前20名的棋手能够获得职业棋手的资格。所以成为职业棋手不仅仅是单纯围棋实力的提现,心态,体力,抗压能力都是成为职业棋手的重要因素。